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Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:52 pm
by editorial
奧巴馬:米歇爾也不想攻敘 (12:23)







Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:55 pm
by editorial
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Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:38 pm
by editorial
Kerry was "thinking aloud" when he said he foresaw circumstances in which there could be US boots on the ground in Syria
Kerry was "thinking aloud" when he said he foresaw circumstances in which there could be US boots on the ground in Syria
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Most US citizens oppose a military strike on Syria
Most US citizens oppose a military strike on Syria
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Mardell: Obama finds reason to pause

10 September 2013 Last updated at 02:28 GMT

President Barack Obama has hit the pause button - and sounds more relieved than resolute in his interviews.

Both possible military action against Syria and the vote that could have spelled disaster for the president are on hold.

It is not exactly "with one bound he was free", but it is at least a breathing space for him.

One way of avoiding a "no" vote is not holding it.

The president's attitude stands in stark contrast to that of his Secretary of State John Kerry and the line of officials who seemed brusquely dismissive of the Russian plan.

The spokesperson at the state department labelled it a delaying tactic and denied that it had been discussed with the Russians.

President Obama, by contrast, confirmed that he did discuss it with President Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg.

He said he "fervently hoped" that the crisis over Syria's use of chemical weapons could be "resolved in a non-military way" - he would exhaust all diplomatic options before taking action. He didn't mention the idea of punishing the Assad regime for crossing his red lines.

He said he wanted to hear the sort of language the Russians were using and get a sense of how serious they were.

The hawks in Congress may not like this but many Democrats will.

It is difficult to say if President Obama genuinely thinks this could be a resolution or if he is going out of his way to give peace a chance.

Either way, he was clear that he wanted to "slow this thing down".

The Senate was thinking of holding a first vote on Wednesday. That now won't happen. President Obama suggested that it could be a couple of weeks before there are any votes.

At the end of the process he could just look like the smartest guy in the room - if Syria really was on track to give up its weapons, going to Congress and delaying action wouldn't look so dumb.

If it seems they and the Russian aren't serious, exhausting all diplomatic possibilities might convince a few more members of Congress to vote his way for military action.

The real danger would be getting dragged into a long-running mess, where weapons inspectors are given the run-around and Mr Obama looks gullible.

There are lots of options, many ways this could pan out, but the Russian intervention has dramatically changed the situation.

Mardell: Slender chance Russia proposal saves Obama

The Russian idea to get rid of Syrian chemical weapons probably weakens US President Barack Obama's already weak hand and leaves the White House in something of a quandary.

However, there is a slender chance it saves his bacon.

I must admit, when I saw the Russian rapid response to US Secretary of State John Kerry's musings about such a deal, it crossed my mind this had been cooked up in advance.

If the Syrians quickly backed down, that could let President Obama off the hook for a vote that is going to be very tricky for him.

But if this is choreography, then there are some startlingly good actors in the White House and at the US Department of State, who appear less than impressed.

At State, they sounded very cynical about the Russian plan: "Picking up this ball and turning it into something it was never intended to be is an example, quite frankly, we think, of yet another stalling tactic."

The White House say they will "look hard" at the idea but note Mr Assad's track record doesn't suggest he can be trusted. They argue that only their threat of force has brought this response, so it makes the case for a "yes" vote.

They have a point, but I suspect many more in Congress - who don't want action anyway - will feel this glimmer of hope is another reason to vote "no".

If the White House has based its whole case on common sense, then there is nothing more common sense than putting chemical weapons beyond use. It will make other countries even more keen on the UN route.

It is a distraction from the big sell, another question to divert President Obama from making a straight case. If action is delayed, it will annoy those senators who want a grander action aimed at regime change, even if that is now called "degrading assets".

It raises even more memories of Iraq - the ability of regimes to play games with weapons inspectors and for the US to use that as a reason for action.

Mr Kerry was "thinking aloud" the other day when he envisaged some circumstances where there could be boots on the ground. This is being called "a rhetorical statement" by his staff.

I dislike politicians being forced to speak in confined straight lines, but you can see why their communications directors may not feel the same.

Many in the world may regard this as a hopeful day. I suspect that is not the mood in the White House.

Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:29 am
by editorial
Syria has welcomed the Russian initiative on international control over its chemical weapons
Syria has welcomed the Russian initiative on international control over its chemical weapons
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Press: Russia offers Obama exit from Syria crisis

Media commentators believe Russia's proposal for Syria to relinquish its chemical weapons could offer all players - and especially US President Barack Obama - a face-saving exit from a tricky situation.

They say it could help Mr Obama avoid a potentially humiliating failure to win support from Congress for military action, and spare a reluctant West armed involvement in Syria. It could also allow Russian President Vladimir Putin - so far seen as a strong supporter of the Syrian regime - to present himself as an impartial mediator, according to some.

But others wonder whether Russia is merely trying to win time for Damascus or undermine support for military action. A Russian newspaper, on the other hand, believes the US is hell-bent on military action in any case, pointing out that US officials already appear to have rowed back from comments by US Secretary of State John Kerry seen as having raised the idea.

Editorial in the New York Times

"Secretary of State John Kerry may not have expected his casual suggestion that Syria avert American military action by giving up its chemical weapons to be taken seriously. But it may have created a diplomatic way out for President Obama... He has won little support for his plan internationally, in Congress or with the American public."

Ghassan Shabaneh, commenting on Al-Jazeera TV

"There are doubts about the true intentions of the Syrian regime to give up those weapons... [and] the proposal might be a political manoeuvre to buy time. It is a smart move by the Russian officials and the Syrians went with it."

Article in Lebanese pro-Assad daily Al-Akhbar

"There is no doubt that the Russian initiative is a turning point and puts an end to the efforts to strike Syria, in return for international supervision of its chemical weapons arsenal. There is also no doubt that it has changed the equation and left an air of relief in a region that was expecting rivers of blood and destructive earthquakes. But the devil is, as always, in the detail."

Guenther Nonnemacher in German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Politically, this has a certain attractiveness. Obama is faced with the challenge of persuading his doubtful countrymen and an intractable Congress of the merits of military action. Putin would be able to rid himself of the image of a naysayer stubbornly protecting a mass murderer. And the West as a whole would be spared the dilemma of having to intervene in a civil war it wants to keep out of."

Ansgar Graw in German daily Die Welt

"Maybe it is just a ruse to win time for Bashar al-Assad. But since the Syrian despot seems to be playing merely a minor role in the struggle for his country's future, one may sum things up as follows: If the Russians are serious with their initiative, Barack Obama could in the next few months actually earn the Nobel Peace Prize he was prematurely awarded about four years ago."

David Shain in Israeli daily Ma'ariv

"The Russians' compromise proposal is a ladder that allows everyone to get down from the trees they have climbed up. The only ones who will be unhappy at it acceptance are Syria's citizens, as this means the continuation of the brutal civil war. Behind the smiles, the status quo will persist, as if no chemical weapons were used and Syrian children were not being murdered with conventional weapons every day."

Amos Harel in Israeli daily Ha'aretz

"Obama has much to gain from such a deal: He is still having trouble mobilising support in Congress. If most of the chemical weapons are removed from Syria, Obama can say that he did his thing: He promised weapons of mass destruction would not be used again. At the same time, he would spare himself political confrontation in Washington and entanglement in a military attack."

Corine Lesnes in French daily Le Monde

"As Hillary Clinton said on Monday, the Russian initiative is 'an important step'. And a development which could - temporarily - save face for Barack Obama at a time when he is coming up against a growing wall of opposition."

Laure Mandeville in French daily Le Figaro

"Is this a simple Russian diversionary tactic intended to spread unease and doubt in the US Congress? Or have the Russians perhaps decided to force the hand of their Syrian ally, hoping to come out of it with the image of a 'saviour' or mediator? Are they sketching out a way out for an America which does not want another intervention even if it brandishes it?"

Galina Dudina and Yelena Chernenko in Russian daily Kommersant

"The fact that Damascus has agreed to Moscow's proposal will substantially weaken the position of the proponents of military intervention in Syria. Now it will be much more difficult for Barack Obama to persuade American congressmen to support military action against Damascus."

Alexei Nikolsky in Russian daily Vedomosti

"According to a source close to the Russian Defence Ministry, the US has in all likelihood already decided to launch strikes, and will continue to present Kerry's words as a slip of the tongue, or will set unrealistic conditions. An operation to establish control over [Syria's] chemical weapons is very complicated technically and politically, and the US will easily find an excuse to avoid implementing Russia's initiative."

Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:24 am
by editorial
奧﹕不會無限期等敘交化武 (09:43)














Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:35 am
by editorial
俄拋息兵方案 美稱積極進展




美俄雙方昨透露,奧巴馬及俄羅斯總統普京上周早已在G20峰會商討過有關問題。普京的發言人佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)表示,普京上周在G20峰會期間與美國總統奧巴馬會晤時,曾討論過由國際社會監管敘利亞化武的想法。佩氏拒透露誰先提出這一想法。奧巴馬昨接受美國公共廣播公司(PBS) 訪問時,亦證實曾與普京討論過敘利亞化武問題。

最新事態發展令美國對敘利亞軍事行動短期成事機會大減。白宮幕僚長麥克多諾(Denis McDonough)昨與一班民主黨眾議員會面。有議員會後透露,麥克多諾向他們表示,白宮處理敘利亞問題上的首選已由軍事行動轉向外交。奧巴馬昨日與英國首相卡梅倫與法國總統奧朗德通電話,三方決定向聯合國安理會提交關於處理敘利亞化武的草案。

克里「失言」 即接俄外長來電

今次戲劇性變化始於克里(John Kerry)周一在倫敦的一番言論。被問及敘利亞總統巴沙爾能否避免美國襲擊時,他答道:「當然可以。他可以在未來一周,乾淨俐落地把他的所有化武都交予國際社會。」雖然華府官員其後宣稱克里只是「脫稿失言」。但美國傳媒報道,克里飛返華盛頓途中接到俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫(Sergei Lavrov)的電話。在14分鐘通話裏,俄方稱其建議有利於「避免攻擊」,願協助落實國際監督敘利亞化武。

美國官員表示,克里回應稱美國「不打算玩這個遊戲」,他在倫敦「只是說說,並非建議」。然而拉夫羅夫在克里發言後5小時便向外宣布:「我們呼籲敘利亞領導人商討將化學武器存放地置於國際監督之下,然後將化武逐步銷,同時考慮加入《禁止化學武器公約》。」正在莫斯科的敘利亞外長穆阿利姆(Walid al-Moallem)隨即表示,敘利亞政府已準備好無條件參加敘利亞問題國際會議,並同意接受聯合國化學武器調查小組調查。






Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:43 am
by editorial
普京鋪下台階 「挽奧巴馬面子」




《紐時》引述曾發表研究普京專著的美國前情報官員希爾(Fiona Hill)形容,「普京知道每個人都想要退路,所以他提供了一條路」。路透社分析指,俄國的方案至少為奧巴馬提供了一個擺脫自己製造的危機的臨時出路;敘利亞總統巴沙爾可因此保住軍事實力;至於俄羅斯,則在保護巴沙爾免於因涉嫌上月化武襲擊而遭追責的情下,擔當和平使者。

加州大學洛杉磯大學歷史系教授格爾文(James L.Gelvin)認同,在動武議案似乎難獲國會支持的現實下,俄羅斯的方案可助奧巴馬解困。格爾文向本報指出,奧巴馬從一開始就不熱中於空襲行動,而在推行時遭遇的阻力也超乎其想像,當俄方在克里周一「說漏嘴」後順水推舟提出解決方案,奧巴馬認為這為他提供了挽回面子的機會。

政府軍續佔上風 不合美盤算


Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:49 am
by editorial
國際評論﹕白宮欲拒還迎 克宮需防中伏







英法一擁而上 俄無路可退



Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:46 am
by editorial
中俄太“兇殘”了 奧巴馬借坡下驢棄敘戰而逃
2013-9-11 08:27 

摘要: 就在奧巴馬騎虎難下之時,普京突然拋出提議,正中奧巴馬下懷,立刻借坡下驢,在第一時間表示歡迎。奧巴馬認為,這是事情發展的積極一步。他明確表示,如果俄羅斯這一提議真實,美國可以考慮取消對敘動武...

  在普京提議將敦促敘利亞上交化武至國際社會監控並銷毀之後,美歐和聯合國紛紛於第一時間表態,積極表示歡迎。由此,敘利亞危機出現驚天逆轉(見筆者《普京一招震動美歐 敘危機現驚天逆轉》)
  實際上,奧巴馬根本無心打這一仗,避戰之心早已有之,因而把球踢給國會,企望國會不授權以便下這個臺階,2012年2月,敘利亞內亂愈演愈烈之時,奧巴馬曾發佈措辭強硬的聲明,要求阿薩德下臺,卻同時強調不訴諸武力的重要性,而且不願意像對利比亞那樣拿出一種“幕後指揮”(lead from behind)的戰略。






  與此同時,克裡也提出取消對敘動武的條件:如果敘利亞政府在一周內上交化武,就可以免遭軍事打擊。(見筆者《普京一招震動美歐 敘危機現驚天逆轉》)


Re: 敘化武由沙特親王提供給反對派 意外爆炸 P6

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:16 am
by editorial
外交若失敗美下周表決動武 (08:18)


