Clinton Out, Kerry in as Secretary of State

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Clinton Out, Kerry in as Secretary of State

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Staff members of the State Department gathered on Friday in their Foggy Bottom headquarters in Washington to say their farewells to Hillary Rodham Clinton as she completed her final day as secretary of state. Senator John Kerry was confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday to be her successor.
Staff members of the State Department gathered on Friday in their Foggy Bottom headquarters in Washington to say their farewells to Hillary Rodham Clinton as she completed her final day as secretary of state. Senator John Kerry was confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday to be her successor.
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Clinton Out, Kerry in as Secretary of State
Published: February 1, 2013 at 5:28

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton formally resigned Friday as America's secretary of state, capping a four-year tenure that saw her shatter records for the number of countries visited. John Kerry was sworn in to replace her.

In a letter sent to President Barack Obama shortly before she left the State Department for the last time in her official capacity, Clinton thanked her former opponent for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination for the opportunity to serve in his administration. Clinton said it had been an honor to be part of his Cabinet.

"I am more convinced than ever in the strength and staying power of America's global leadership and our capacity to be a force for good in the world," she said in the letter.

Her resignation became effective at 4 p.m. EST, when Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan swore in John Kerry as the top U.S. diplomat. The former Massachusetts senator and 2004 presidential candidate is the 68th secretary of state.

"I'm just very, very honored to be sworn in and I'm very anxious to get to work," Kerry told reporters after the private ceremony at the Capitol. "I'll be reporting Monday morning at 9 o'clock to do my part," he said, but he refused to say what global hotspot he would visit first.

In the State Department's main lobby, Clinton pushed through a throng of American foreign service workers who clamored for handshakes and smartphone photos with her and gave an emotional goodbye speech.

She told them to continue to "serve the nation we all love, to understand the challenges, the threats and the opportunities that the United States faces and to work with all our heart and all of our might to make sure that America is secure, that our interests are promoted and our values are respected."

Clinton, however, also left office with a slap at critics of the Obama administration's handling of the September attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya. She told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday that critics of the administration's handling of the attack don't live in an "evidence-based world," and their refusal to "accept the facts" is unfortunate and regrettable for the political system.

Clinton told the AP that the attack in Benghazi was the low point of her time as America's top diplomat. But she suggested that the furor over the assault would not affect whether she runs for president in 2016.

Although she insisted that she has not decided what her future holds, she said she "absolutely" still plans to make a difference on issues she cares about in speeches and in a sequel to her 2003 memoir, "Living History," that will focus largely on her years as secretary of state.

Clinton spoke to the AP Thursday in her outer office on the seventh floor of the State Department less than 24 hours before she walks out for a final time as boss. She was relaxed but clearly perturbed by allegations from Republican lawmakers and commentators that the administration had intentionally misled the public about whether the attack was a protest gone awry or a terrorist attack, or intentionally withheld additional security for diplomatic personnel in Libya knowing that an attack could happen.

An independent panel she convened to look into the incident was scathing in its criticism of the State Department and singled out four officials for serious management and leadership failures. But it also determined that there was no guarantee that extra personnel could have prevented the deaths of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans. Clinton herself was not blamed, although she has said she accepted responsibility for the situation.

"I was so unhappy with the way that some people refused to accept the facts, refused to accept the findings of an independent Accountability Review Board, politicized everything about this terrible attack," she said. "My job is to admit that we have to make improvements and we're going to."

Hours later a suicide bomber linked to a domestic terror group exploded a device just outside the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, Turkey, killing himself and a guard. Clinton told State Department staff on Friday that the attack showed again how "we live in very complex and dangerous times."

Clinton faced a barrage of hostile questions about Benghazi from Republican lawmakers when she testified before Congress recently in appearances that were delayed from December because of illness. Afterward, some lawmakers continued to accuse her and the administration of withholding evidence. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., told a television interviewer that he thought Clinton was getting "away with murder."

In the interview, Clinton had little patience for such allegations.

"There are some people in politics and in the press who can't be confused by the facts," she said. "They just will not live in an evidence-based world. And that's regrettable. It's regrettable for our political system and for the people who serve our government in very dangerous, difficult circumstances."

Because of that, she said, the partisan divide should not dissuade anyone with a cause from getting involved in politics, and she hinted strongly that a divisive atmosphere would not stop her in any future endeavor. "You have to have a thick skin because (politics) is just going to be a contact sport as far as we can look into the future."

Clinton is no stranger to partisan politics. As first lady, she railed in 1998 against a "vast right-wing conspiracy" that she asserted had been attacking her husband, Bill Clinton, ever since he had become president.

But the woman who was once considered a divisive figure in American politics, yet leaves office as one of its most popular, remained coy about whether she would run for president in 2016.

"I am making no decisions, but I would never give that advice to someone that I wouldn't take myself," she said. "If you believe you can make a difference, not just in politics, in public service, in advocacy around all these important issues, then you have to be prepared to accept that you are not going to get 100 percent approval."
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Re: Clinton Out, Kerry in as Secretary of State

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Win MacNamee/Reuters<br /><br />1995年,希拉里·克林頓在北京參加聯合國第四屆世界婦女大會。她在會上發言稱:「女性的權利就是人權。」
Win MacNamee/Reuters

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北京——不少中國官員,包括一些高層,一直對希拉里·羅德姆·克林頓(Hillary Rodham Clinton)不感冒,這在北京不是什麼秘密。不過並不清楚,這其中多少源於她直言不諱地支持女性權益,不過幾乎可以肯定這是原因之一:中國由男性掌權(的確如此,權力核心中央政治局常委會中沒有一名女性),無論在國內事務,還是全球事務中,中國女性對政策都無甚影響。

最晚自1995年開始,中國共產黨高官就對克林頓有所警惕。當時,她作為關鍵人物出席了在北京召開的聯合國第四次世界婦女大會(United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women)。與會的女同胞聽到她對全體代表說,“人權就是婦女的權利,婦女的權利就是人權,永遠如此。”這句話被寫進了大會宣言中,(《北京宣言》第14條及《行動綱領》)稱:“婦女的權利就是人權。”對中國和全世界的女性運動而言,這是一個重大時刻。


因此,北京外交政策系統內的一些著名學者最近談到,中國期待約翰·克里(John Kerry)接替克林頓擔任美國國務卿,恐怕並不會讓人感到意外。



我的同事戴維·羅德(David Rohde)撰文指出,布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)的邁克爾·奧漢隆(Michael O’Hanlon)稱,克林頓在奧巴馬政府“轉向亞洲”戰略中的作用,以及她對中國的強硬立場,可以說是她作為國務卿“最大及最令人難忘的貢獻”。




而據美國《環球郵報》(Global Post)報道,上周,阮宗澤進一步發表了自己的看法。

該報稱,阮宗澤在香港外國記者會(Foreign Correspondents’ Club)講話時表示,“美國轉向亞洲在向其盟國傳遞着錯誤的訊息”,是在鼓動它們“更加好鬥、更具挑釁性”。阮宗澤補充道,“一個不穩定或弱小的中國將會十分危險。”



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Re: Clinton Out, Kerry in as Secretary of State

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希拉蕊卸任美國務卿 4年出訪之路可繞地球38圈

4年出訪之路繞地球38圈 任內褒貶不一也曾因公病倒 好在今天卸任 希拉蕊―― 下班了












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Re: Clinton Out, Kerry in as Secretary of State

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  華盛頓2月1日電 題:希拉蕊告別國務卿生涯:劇終還是待續?











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