卡紮菲次子現身駁斥被捕傳言 稱政府仍控制首都

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Posts: 2017
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:29 pm

卡紮菲次子現身駁斥被捕傳言 稱政府仍控制首都

Post by samuel »


  新华社利比亚班加西8月22日电(记者周潼潼 王洪江)利比亚“全国过渡委员会”委员阿卜杜拉·迈胡卜22日凌晨对记者说,反对派武装已控制首都的黎波里,目前正在市内清除卡扎菲残余部队。



Last edited by samuel on Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2017
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:29 pm

利反对派确认卡扎菲之子已被拘押 留待处理

Post by samuel »

利反对派确认卡扎菲之子已被拘押 留待处理
2011-08-22 08:07

利比亚反对派已控制首都 正全城搜捕卡扎菲

  新华社利比亚班加西8月21日电(记者周潼潼 王洪江)利比亚“全国过渡委员会”主席贾利勒21日在半岛电视台的短暂电视讲话中确认利比亚领导人卡扎菲的儿子赛义夫·卡扎菲被捕,目前已将其拘押在安全的地方。




Posts: 2017
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:29 pm

卡紮菲次子現身駁斥被捕傳言 稱政府仍控制首都

Post by samuel »

1234556.jpg (19.33 KiB) Viewed 3700 times
卡紮菲次子現身駁斥被捕傳言 稱政府仍控制首都
2011年08月23日 08:23







Posts: 2017
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:29 pm

Tripoli fighting flares up again

Post by samuel »

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Matthew Price says Saif al-Islam seemed confident about the prospects of his father's regime
Matthew Price says Saif al-Islam seemed confident about the prospects of his father's regime
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Tripoli fighting flares up again
23 August 2011 Last updated at 11:41 GMT

Fighting has flared in two key areas of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, for a third day as rebel fighters battle forces loyal to Col Muammar Gaddafi.

Gunfire and explosions have been heard near a hotel held by government troops, as well as the area around the Libyan leader's Bab al-Aziziya compound.

Overnight, Col Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam appeared in public, disproving reports that he had been captured.

He insisted the government had "broken the backbone" of the rebel offensive.

Saif al-Islam arrived at the Rixos Hotel, where foreign journalists are based, in a government vehicle in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The BBC's Matthew Price, who spoke to him, said he seemed confident and full of adrenalin.

Saif al-Islam told the BBC: "We have broken the backbone of the rebels." He added that by moving into Tripoli, the rebels had fallen into "a trap".

"We gave them a hard time, so we're winning," he added.

Battle for control
Our correspondent says there has been sustained bursts of gunfire, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) around the hotel on Monday, but that it is impossible to ascertain if it is coming from pro-Gaddafi forces or is the result of the rebels pushing back.

Both sides say they control most of the capital, but BBC correspondents report that the situation is extremely fluid and it is impossible to determine who is telling the truth.

It is not clear whether Saif al-Islam escaped from custody, or if he had never been captured in the first place.

On Sunday, the rebels said they had captured him, along with other members of the Gaddafi family.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) - which has indicted Saif al-Islam, Col Gaddafi and his intelligence chief, Abdullah al-Sanussi, for crimes against humanity - said on Monday it was negotiating with the rebels to transfer Saif al-Islam to its custody at The Hague.

But on Tuesday, it denied having received confirmation from the rebels that Saif al-Islam had been detained. An ICC spokesman said different rebel factions had given different information.

Saif al-Islam said he did not care about the ICC arrest warrant. Asked if Col Gaddafi was safe and in Tripoli, he replied: "Of course."

The Libyan leader has not been seen in public since May, although he broadcast an audio message on Sunday night, urging residents to "save Tripoli" from the rebels.

Next moves
Meanwhile, members of the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) in Benghazi say they plan to fly to the capital on Wednesday to start work on forming a new government.

A flight has been organised but the BBC's Paul Wood, who is in the rebels' eastern stronghold, says it depends on Tripoli's airport being secure, which does not appear to be the case at present.

NTC chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil has said all Gaddafi aides will face justice and fair criminal trials.

"I will stand trial for years I served as a minister in the Gaddafi government," he told a news conference in Benghazi.

He advised Libyans to be tolerant, saying they should "avoid taking matters into their own hands and... abide by court rulings."

The NTC leadership is worried about revenge attacks by some of the mosaic of different groups which make up the revolutionary army, our correspondent says.

He says a bloodbath in Tripoli would undermine the rebels' claim to legitimacy and the international support that has brought victory within their grasp.
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